Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Asylum Studios: The Grand Champions of Rip-off Movies

You may not know the name, but you've most likely seen their work. If you can call it "work". It's more like unbelievable garbage.

I'm not one to utterly hate certain film studios or filmmakers, but this is one of those that I cannot stand. NO ONE can tolerate these idiots. I wouldn't hate them so much if they were self aware of what they were and what they did, and used it to their advantage to make enjoyably bad sci-fi movies, but they don't. What kind of bad sci-fi do they make? Rip-offs of mainstream films. Near the time when 20th Century Fox released the remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still, the Asylum just happened to release a film called The Day the Earth Stopped. No joke. Transformers? Oh, what a coincidence! The Asylum made a film called Transmorphers. TransMORPHers. Completely different. If you get the two confused, you have problems. Remember the film, Battle: Los Angeles? How about Battle of Los Angeles? I Am Legend? I Am Omega. Pacific Rim? My favorite movie of 2013? That kick-@$$ kaiju vs mecha movie? Well how about ATLANTIC RIM?!?!?!

Most recently, they've done their take on Robocop with Android Cop, Pompeii with Apocalypse Pompeii, and Edge of Tomorrow with Age of Tomorrow. Oh yes, they TRY. And they have no shame. 

There's a whole list of their rip-offs on wikipedia. It's ridiculous. It doesn't matter if the big Hollywood production is good or bad. If they think it has potential to be popular, they make their own version of it. What I'm shocked about is the fact that they ripped off After Earth! After- Freaking- Earth! They made their own version called 'AE: Apocalypse Earth'. Well, I don't think it can be much better than the real thing. 

But they do, surprisingly, have original ideas. They suck, but they're original. Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus, Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus, and Mega Shark vs Mecha-Shark. They sure do love their sharks, don't they? Speaking of which, their most popular film to date is... Sharknado. Yes. They made Sharknado. It was popular, but that doesn't mean it was good. Obviously. 

Like I stated before, they don't know what they are. Or they just don't care, and make these piles of triceratops crap anyway. They could use their stupidness to their advantage and be self aware, like the 21 Jump Street movies. That could be entertaining. But no. They aren't smart like that. They continue to willingly make rip-offs with no care in the world. And studios have sued them in the past... but they just keep coming! Who funds them? Who watches a film like Atlantic rim and says, "Hmm... yes, these guys deserve thousands of dollars more to keep making movies"? WHO SAYS THAT? Apparently someone did, because they're still going. No end is in sight. 

What does this mean for this blog? It means I'm going to watch and review their garbage. I know I don't have to if I don't want to, but I haven't tortured myself with a long line of bad movies since I went back and reviewed all the Godzilla movies in anticipation for the one released this year. So, just check back in a few days, and I'll have powered through and hopefully survived one of their 'films'. Oh boy.

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