Friday, January 10, 2014

What are YOU excited for this year?

2014 is a big year for movies, and I'll be sure to review any that I go to see in theatres. Before I get to reviewing any others I have on my list, I feel as though I should share what movies I'm looking forward to.

My most anticipated movie is Godzilla. No, it has no relation whatsoever to the 1998 film with Matthew Broderick, because it is a complete reboot. It looks like a respectable reboot suitable for modern American audiences who think the older Godzilla movies are so stupid. As for now, I'm not going into detail on how much I love Godzilla. I'll do that later, because I'm doing something special for the blog prior to the new film's release.

The other movies that I know many people are looking forward to are the Marvel superheroes. Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Amazing Spiderman 2, and Guardians of the Galaxy. I have no idea who the Guardians of the Galaxy are, but Vin Diesel voices an alien version of TreeBeard, and there's a raccoon with guns. The raccoon just looks completely random, ridiculous,  and out of place. I love it! He looks so bad@$$! Screw the other guys, I want to see what the raccoon is all about!

As for animated movies, the one I can't wait to see is How to Train Your Dragon 2. The first one is one of my favorite animated movies of all time. I love it. So did a majority of other people, and you can imagine what this sequel has to live up to.

At the end of the year, we get the conclusion to one of the best trilogies I've had the fortune of experiencing in theaters.... The Hobbit: There and Back Again. It got me interested with Unexpected Journey, then it hooked me in with Desolation of Smaug, and left all of us on a cliffhanger that pi$$ed us off to no end, but in a good way. It left us angry that we have to wait a whole year to see the end. I hope it's worth it. It better be!

There's a whole lot of other movies that I'm interested in seeing, like Lone Survivor, Robocop, Hercules: Dwayne Johnson edition, Transformers: Age of extinction, Rio 2, and the Expendables 3. I'll do my best to keep up with all these movies coming out, because I'm only a person. Not some super gotta go see every single movie ever and have a stupid and biased opinion on it and say that other people's opinions don't matter kind of critic. I'm just a person who feels like sharing his interests and opinions with others. I'm an open minded person, so feel free to share your opinions in the comments.

My first review on this blog is coming within the next day or two. Please check back up for that!

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