Monday, January 13, 2014

Thor review

The 4th of the Avengers series is about the norse god of thunder played by Chris Hemsworth. I actually went to see this in theaters. I loved this movie. How can you have a god wielding a super powered hammer and not have it be at least interesting?

The story is based off of real norse legends, and I’m not sure how
accurate it is to them. But is still looks cool. Anyway, Thor is like a celebrity in his realm, and everyone likes him. How could you not? His character is done really well. He’s funny, strong, a bit short tempered, and when he fights bad guys, it is so freaking epic! But then, some frost giants start being jerks and it pi$$es him off. He does what he thinks is right, that being to BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF EVERYTHING. But Odin, his dad and the king of the realm, banishes him to Earth for his arrogance.

It’s the basic ‘fish out of water’ plotline, but it’s the delivery of it that makes it interesting. He’s powerless, and you feel sorry for the guy. Then, he starts adapting to the customs of Earth. In a generic scenario where the new guy learns the way things work, most of the time he’s either trying too hard, or he’s a total jerk about everything. It’s just stupid. But Thor is different. When he slams his cup on the ground and says “This drink is delicious! Another!” and he’s told not to do that, he’s like “alright”. He’s smart and acts more civilized when he’s around his new acquaintances. Speaking of which, I haven’t mentioned them yet.

We have Jane, played by Padme Amidala, and if you don’t get the reference, then that’s your own fault. We have Kat Dennings as the comic relief girl who’s name I don’t remember, and Erik, Jane’s senior assistant. The rest of Thor’s friends are mostly in Asgard. The only ones whose names I remember are Heimdall, played by Idris Elba, and Sif. They're pretty good. Heimdall's awesome, and the others did a fine job, although a few more name drops would have helped.

Now, let’s talk about the villain. We all know him. We all love him. Loki. Although I don’t remember so many fangirls for Loki until Avengers came out, but that’s for later. Loki was a frost giant baby taken by Odin when he won the war against them. He grew up looking like an Asgardian, but he soon found out about his adopted father’s secret. Why Odin never told him is unknown, but I guess I can’t nitpick too much. Tom Hiddleston does a perfect job at being Loki. There’s not much more I can say that hasn’t been said by his squealing fangirls and fanboys. I can say that he is one of the best and most popular villains ever made.

The action scenes are always fun to watch. I love it when Thor uses his hammer and bashes everything with it. I like that robot thing that shoots the fire and is really loud, and is it me, or does it remind you of the robot from The Day the Earth Stood Still? Just a little bit? Anyway, the CG is good, too. Nothing spectacular, but it still looks cool.

Really, there’s barely anything wrong with it at all. The one singular problem I had was that Hawkeye just made a cameo with his kick@$$ bow, and didn’t do anything with it. But that doesn’t mean his character was forever ruined, or the movie is bad just because of that. I think it’s great. 

STORY: 5 / 5 
ACTING: 5 / 5 
VISUALS: 4 / 5 
ACTION: 5 / 5 

TONE: 5 / 5 

Completely worth it! I love this movie. Tell me what you thought of it, and be sure to check back for my review of Captain America, the first Avenger, coming next. 

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