Thursday, January 23, 2014

Iron Man 3 review

Continuing with the superhero reviews, we have Iron Man 3, the first film of phase 2 of the Avengers. Of course he gets the first film, he’s one of Marvel’s most popular superheroes. This one is an improvement over Iron Man 2, and it was the highest grossing movie of 2013! That’s got to count for something, right?

I have to say that one of the big improvements in this movie over Iron Man 2 is the ACTION. There’s a lot more of it. A lot of it is without the Iron Man suits, though. But when the suit goes on, it’s time to kick some @$$!!

The other thing they got right was the story. It felt too cluttered and too much was going on in the previous Iron Man. Iron Man 3 has a thick plot, sure, but it flows better with the characters, and in turn, the audience.

Since the fight in New York, Tony Stark is pretty messed up with post traumatic stress. He’s isolated himself from everyone else, and he’s become obsessed with his work. The villains are an organization called AIM, led by the Mandarin... kind of. They’ve developed this genetic thingy that makes people super strong and able to regenerate any wounds, but it’s unstable, and anyone with it starts burning up and melting everything they touch.

The tone of this movie kinda suffers from bipolar disorder. It’s definitely the darkest of the Iron Man movies, but it’s also the funniest. I have no idea how that works, but that’s what it is. Don’t get me wrong, I love to laugh, and this movie does have a lot of great humorous moments, but when the serious parts happen, it made me think “I was laughing 3 minutes ago, and now a lady just got shot..... that was unexpected and shocking..... wow”. Oddly enough, this is the same thing that offset Thor: The Dark World for me, but here, it doesn’t weigh the movie down. Don’t know why, but I think it goes with the movie well. It keeps you engaged in the film. 

The biggest complaint with fans is the twist with Iron Man’s villain. The Mandarin was his Tony’s arch enemy, and in the movie, the Mandarin doesn’t technically exist. He’s an actor. Literally. Ben Kingsley plays an actor that plays a decoy for AIM’s leader. The real leader is some guy named Aldrich Killian. He’s the real villain of the movie, and not the classic Mandarin. I, personally, can roll with that, but I’m not going to say that any fans upset about this are just whining nerds. I understand completely. But, I still don’t see a problem that will ruin the avengers series forever.

The last thing before the final rating is the visuals. They are fantastic. When I went to see this in theatres, I wanted to stay for the end credits, and when it got to the digital effects part, I was amazed at how many people worked on it. They did a great job, because it is some great CG. It looks like it’s really there. They deserve cookies. All of them.

Alright, so, other than one or two plot holes, I thought it was written very well. Overall, it’s a fun movie, and I think it deserved to be highest grossing film of 2013. It’s Iron Man! 95% of the people I know LOVE Iron Man, and so do I.

STORY: 5 / 5
ACTING: 5 / 5 

VISUALS: 5 / 5
ACTION: 5 / 5 

TONE: 4 / 5 

I know I’ve been reviewing superhero movies since I started, but I think I’ll get to Thor: The Dark World sometime later. If there’s one type of movie that I enjoy watching the most, is bad science fictions. Making fun of them is one of my favorite pastimes. Next review is a bad science fiction from 1977. I will be reviewing.... the Last Dinosaur.... ugh. 

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