Thursday, May 8, 2014

Happy 30th Transformers Anniversary!! Voice actors for AOE revealed + more!

30 years of giant alien robots beating the crap out of each other... what's not to celebrate on this day?

In case you don't know, today, May 8th, 2014, marks the 30th anniversary of the Transformers franchise. Today is the day that Marvel released the very first comic issue of the original Transformers comic series. This was the very first product of Transformers available in the world. The cartoon aired on September 17th of 1984, so maybe I'll review the first few episodes when that date comes around. 

I actually do own the very first issue of Transformers. I got it with my 25th anniversary Optimus Prime G1 figure. It is in pristine condition, because I have not opened it since. I highly doubt I will open it any time soon. I guess I could check to see if it's available on Kindle some time.

Anyway, since it's the 30th anniversary, I'm hoping the upcoming film, Age of Extinction, will be as awesome as they're hyping it up to be. I hope it is fit for the 'thrilling thirty' thing Hasbro is doing this year. It has the freaking Dinobots! It better be good! 

Speaking of which, some leaked photos earlier today revealed two more Dinobots who may or may not appear in the movie. This first one is Slog, based off of the original Sludge.

A sauropod Dinobot... Yes! Just what we need! If he is in the movie, I hope he'll stomp the $h!t out of the Decepticons with his gigantic feet! Oh, and in case you don't know what a sauropod is, it's the scientific name for 'long necked' dinosaurs. I use proper terms. Next we have Snarl, which, other than Grimlock, actually uses his original name!

And he's a... umm... I'm not really sure what the hell he's supposed to be, but okay! He was originally a stegosaurus, but after some digging on the internet, I'm pretty sure he's now a stegosaur and ankylosaur hybrid. Cool.

In some BIG news, which I discovered while writing this, the voice actors for the transformers themselves have been officially announced! 

Peter Cullen is returning as Optimus Prime. In case you have been living under a rock since 1984, Peter Cullen was the very first voice actor for Optimus Prime in the original cartoon. He returned to do the voice again for the live action films, and continued the role in a recent TV series and a few video games.

Frank Welker, who is also the original voice for Megatron, as well as nearly every single cartoon character ever, is coming back to voice Galvatron. Welker has done voice talent for Transformers in the recent TV series, video games, as well as Soundwave in Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon.

John DiMaggio, who voiced Leadfoot in Dark of the Moon, and Sideways in the Revenge of the Fallen video games, is coming back to voice Crosshairs, the trench coat wearing Stingray Corvette.

Mark Ryan voiced Jetfire in Revenge of the Fallen, Bumblebee in the first movie and other movie based video games, is now going to voice the new big boss... Lockdown! That's cool, but I was hoping for Lance Henriksen. Look him up, you'll know why.

Robert Foxworth, the voice of Rathet in all 3 movies will be voicing the same character once again... right before he gets taken down by the humans, as seen in the trailer. Oh well.

Reno Wilson voiced Frenzy in the first film, Mudflap in Revenge of the Fallen, and Brains in Dark of the Moon, and he is reprising his role as Brains in this film. But hold on... Brains lived the ship crash? Go back to watch Dark of the Moon, the scene where he and Wheelie are screwing up the Decepticon ship to save Bumblebee and the other hostages. He clearly went down with the ship! But still, I liked Brains, and I guess it'll be fun to see him... possibly for 10 seconds before he dies, or something.

Here's the cool part... new actors! This is some great casting right here. We have Ken Watanabe, who will have a major role in Godzilla in just 8 days from now, and he is voicing Drift! The Bugatti samurai! That's almost as awesome as John Goodman as Hound! I about crapped my pants when I saw that! John Goodman as Hound... look at Hound's profile picture and tell me you can't see his voice working! 

Yes. Just so much yes right now. I have faith in the voice cast. Sure, they might not get many lines, like the other 3 films, but they'll all have more lines than Jolt. Well, maybe some of the Dinobots might not talk. Also, we have yet to have confirmation of the voice actors for the Dinobots at all. I don't know if they'll even talk. I hope so, and I hope Grimlock will be voiced by Gregg Berger, just like in the original show. They got him to voice Grimlock in the Fall of Cybertron video game, so why not the film, too? 

Other than that, I'm still excited for the movie. So have a good Transformers Day, or whatever. If what I heard was correct, there should be a new trailer coming soon, so you can bet I'll be dissecting it like crazy.

Stay frosty.

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