Monday, April 20, 2015

Notable Updates 4/20/15- Trailer overload, record breaks, and more!

Just in this past few days, a lot has come up. So much has been released that's gotten so many people excited for so many different things. As far as I know, not much else is happening for a while, so I'll cover what I can while I can.

First thing's first- the Star Wars Episode 7 trailer. It was simply amazing. It seems that nearly everyone (besides the worthless, mindless, blind haters) is anticipating J.J. Abrams' Star Wars installment now. Fans are rejoicing all over. Personally, I thought this trailer looked great! From what was shown, I think the director's style is going to turn out well. Anyone can tell by just looking at it that it wasn't directed by George Lucas. I am one of the many people who thinks this is a good thing. We need someone's new take and style on the franchise. The prequel trilogy proved that. 

The thing I liked the most about this trailer was that it showed what everyone was promised and what everyone expected- a balance of practical effects and CGI. Remember this rollly-ball droid?

Not CGI. That's a real, working droid that was actually in front of the camera. Chewbacca is still a costume, which is a relief, and he looks good, too. And for a movie that's 8 months away at this point, the CGI effects look fantastic! It almost looks real! J.J. and his crew have 8 months to make this movie look even better, but I think more people are concerned about the quality of the story and characters more than they are of the effects. I can't disagree. If the filmmakers can accomplish a good plot, well written characters, all while making it feel like Star Wars again, then I believe we will all be able to say that the Force has truly awakened again.

Here's the trailer, in case you want to watch it again.

Next, we have the Batman V Superman teaser trailer. I'll get to my opinion on Man of Steel when I review it, but I'm not shy to say that I'm a little iffy with this upcoming one. I do think Ben Affleck can pull off the role as Batman, and I even love the costume for his character, but it's everyone else that's what makes me so hesitant to get my hopes up. Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman? The only thing I know her from is Fast and Furious 4, 5, and 6. She's not a great actress, but I don't think she's bad. I also don't think that she physically fits the role of Wonder Woman. I'm not shaming her body (it is nice), but it's not the body that Wonder Woman is supposed to have. Wonder Woman is an Amazon warrior princess. They're strong and built and fit, they're not thin Victoria's Secret models. Wonder Woman looks more like this:

See? That's a build that's physically possible for an actress (or any woman) to have. It's not disproportioned or unrealistic. If they got an actress that looks more like the above picture (in the body, anyways) it would be a perfect fit for the role of Wonder Woman. The costume that they designed for the movie is actually pretty cool. Keep the costume, change the body. Again, no offense to Gal Gadot's body image. It's just not what Wonder Woman is supposed to look like.

Then there's Jessie Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. Like Gal Gadot, I have nothing against Eisenberg. So far, he doesn't seem like he could fit the part. They got him to at least look like the character, as seen below:

But if you listen closely in the trailer, you can hear his voice. at least, I assume it's his voice. He says "devils don't come from hell". If that is his voice, then that's going to be the biggest problem I can see people having with the character. It's not that he doesn't sound like Lex Luthor is expected to, it's that he still sounds like Jessie Eisenberg

Speaking of voices, I really do like what I presume to be the voice modifier on Batman's suit. Specifically, his "Screw You, Superman" suit. This one:

That looks awesome. The voice sounds a lot better than Christian Bale's gargling marbles. Overall, the trailer is... okay... but it's just the trailer. Other than the odd casting choices, NOTHING can be said about this movie other than if people are excited for it or not. Of course people will see it, no matter if they say they'll like or hate it. But this movie cannot be judged by this first teaser. Especially since it's about A WHOLE YEAR AWAY. 

Here's the trailer, if you want to check it out.

Next up is Fant4stic. I'm only calling the Fantastic 4 reboot "Fant4stic" because of how the first trailer had the title. This new trailer made the movie look a lot more promising. It looks to be a very well shot movie, with good effects and such, but I think everyone needs to see it before they criticize it even more than they already are. I was actually swayed by this trailer. I was hesitant at first, but this trailer made me think, "You know what? It doesn't look too bad. I'll give this a chance." It has to be better than the last two abominations, right? There's no way we could fail like that as a filmmaking species.

Watch the trailer here.

The very last trailer is the Jurassic World trailer. I was already hooked and ready to see it when I saw the first teaser, but this has me begging to see it even more. The new dinosaur is a genetically modified hybrid called Indominous Rex... and this trailer gives a very good reason as to why it's called "Indominous"... because it dominates the park! Not only does it kill relentlessly, it's freaking SMART! Smarter than the Velociraptors! And it controls the Pterosaurs as if it's the alpha! Because it IS the alpha! It breaks out all the Pteranodons and Dimorphodons and sets them loose onto the visitors!! I can't believe how amazingly insane this plot is turning out to be! And I love it!!!! I love crazy stuff like this! I don't care if it's not grounded in reality, it's awesome either way!

Watch the trailer right here, and bow before your new King, the Indominous Rex.

There was also an Ant-Man trailer and a Terminator Genisys trailer about a week ago. I'm loving what I'm seeing from Ant-Man so far, but I'm not expecting anything great from Terminator. I'll still see it, sure, but I just want to have fun with what I'm given.

The last bit of news has to do with box office records. Furious 7 is monumental for Universal Studios. It's their first billion dollar baby, in terms of gross on their film's initial release. It's Universal's first movie to make the $1 billion mark and keep going on it's first release. Jurassic Park only grossed over $1 billion after it was re released in 3D in 2013. Furious 7 is the first billion dollar film of the year, and until Avengers: Age of Ultron comes out, it holds the spot for highest grossing movie of the year. Speaking of which, it made more money and broke more records FASTER than both the first Avengers film and Avatar! That's impressive! And it's also currently the 7th highest grossing movie of all time now! It beat Lord of the Rings: Return of the King and Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon. I hear it's expected to be at the #4 spot by the end of its run. That is astounding! 

I think it's safe to say that it's because of Paul Walker's death before the film was finished. That got people to go see the film. It was both to see how the heck they finished it without him, and also to say goodbye to a really great guy. Being that they accomplished the film with Paul Walker's absence exceptionally well also helped. The emotional connection that audiences got from the film was also a huge factor. I'm sure that Paul would be unbelievably proud of the film's success. Many people are proud of its success. If you haven't seen Furious 7 yet, do so. You won't be disappointed.

That's all the news for now. More reviews coming soon.

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