Saturday, February 15, 2014

Robocop 1987 review

So, after some delays, here is the review for the original 1987 Robocop.

If you don’t already know, Robocop is one of the classic 80’s action movies about a cop who gets gunned down, and a company takes his body and turns him into a cyborg to make get rid of crime and make them a lot of money. Poor me, I’ve been missing out, and only saw it recently for the first time. Wow, was I impressed.

First of all, I have to mention how well done the Robocop himself was done. The design of the costume is pretty bad@$$, and Peter Weller does a great job acting all robotic. He actually looks like a robot. He talks like a robot, he moves like a robot. He is a robot. And he does a fine job at it. Even when he takes the helmet off, it looks great! I was just looking at his head without the helmet, wondering how in the world they did that. The entire back of his head is all mechanized, it’s so cool! It makes you realize how unappreciated suit acting is these days. CG doesn’t usually capture the eye like some of the things they came up with back then. Sometimes it looks better when something is actually in front of the camera. This film is a perfect example.

As for the rest of the movie, it’s enjoyable. Robocop goes around, beating up all the criminals, all the fun stuff. The story isn’t too bad either. When Robocop was built, his memories of his life as Officer Murphy were erased. Then, he starts remembering his human past, and goes to find the jerks that killed him. It doesn’t go too deep like finding out what it means to be human, learning of morality, and things like that. No, that would drag it on for too long, and it wouldn’t really fit the movie too well. Instead, the movie keeps it simple. If you’re a person who would like a movie that focuses on the ‘becoming human’ element, then this one isn’t for you. Go watch Terminator 2 if that’s what you like.

The thing that I really enjoyed is that the movie focuses on Robocop as the main central character. You might be saying “well, duh, moron.” But if you look at it, a lot of films these days would give the side characters more screentime, because someone in charge thinks audiences won’t follow a movie that focuses on something that doesn’t count as ‘relatable’, leaving the main attraction of the movie for the action scenes only. That means the boring characters progress the story, and push the money getter to the background. That’s the formula used a lot these days, and usually it leaves most audiences disappointed. This movie focuses primarily on the emotionless Robocop, and it worked fine.

A good example would be Transformers. Most of the TV shows focus primarily on the robot characters, and the humans are pushed to the side, because they’re usually some stupid little snots. The robots are the more interesting characters, and that’s why we watch the shows. But in the movies, it always focuses on the stupid, boring humans. Nobody asked for them! That’s one thing about the Transformers movies that pi$$es me off, but I’ll get to that when I review those... some other time. You get the point.

Now, for special effects, I think the Robocop suit has already been accounted for, so I’ll touch on the ED­ 209. The ED­ 209 is another robot, it has chicken like legs, and super huge machine guns for hands. Although they did build a life size one, the shots where it moves is all done in stop motion. It’s good, but not really the best. Of course this movie has explosions, too. LOTS of them. Nothing much to say about them, other than BOOM.

I almost forgot to mention the villains. They’re a bunch of drug dealing jerks. I don’t remember any of their names, but I will say that the black guy’s laugh is priceless. Sounds like the little blue monster thing at Jabba the Hutt's palace. I know there are other jerks in the movie, but I’m not going to spoil anything for anyone who hasn’t seen it... even though it was released in 1987.

Now for the final verdict. Robocop is a great, classic movie, with good suit acting, a ton of action, and well written villains. The only thing about this movie that bothered me, was how bloody and gory some parts were. The beginning, and the guy that gets toxic waste spilled on him, kind of upset my stomach. Yeah, call me a wimp, but it was just a little too bloody for my taste. And I’m a very morbid person, so I don’t know why it bothered me so much. But still, it’s not enough to bring it down for me.

I say, if you haven’t seen it yet, then give it a watch. You will not be disappointed.

STORY: 4 / 5
ACTING: 4 / 5 

ACTION: 4 / 5 
TONE: 4 / 5 

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