Thursday, January 29, 2015

X-Men 3: The Last Stand (2006) movie review

This is the infamous X-Men installment. It’s the one that most fans and mainstream moviegoers want to forget ever happened. It’s almost universally hated by both fans, critics, and audiences alike. I heard it was horrible! An abomination! Well, I finally saw it for myself. And it IS….…….. okay. WARNING: Spoilers in this review. The film has been out since 2006. If you’re like me and haven’t seen all the X-Men movies yet, then you’ve been warned.

Is this the weakest of the X-Men movies? So far as I’ve seen, yes. It is. I can see the flaws with it. I see why people have problems with it, and I do have some issues of my own. But it’s not really a bad movie. It’s just… okay.

First, the negatives. The biggest problem the film has is oversaturation of characters. There’s too many to work with. Some characters are there just to be in the movie. Angel was pointless, Rogue doesn’t have enough screentime, nor does her conflict develop that well, the new villains are underused, and the overall story isn’t planned out as well as it could have been. It’s a disappointment, in that regard. The last two were awesome in every way, it’s a shame that this one failed to live up to its predecessors.

By the way, guess what character once again gets the short end of the stick? If you guessed Cyclops, you were right. He has even less screentime than the other movies! Why does this always happen to him? As I stated in my previous reviews, I wanted to like him. But I guess I can’t now, because he dies before the movie hits the 20 minute mark! Ugh.

In fact, a lot of characters die. Mostly it’s the villains with tiny cameos, but there’s at least 3 main characters that get axed. Deaths range from sad to pointless. And sometimes there’s barely time to mourn or let the losses sink in. Oh well. At least the ones that died here got more recognition than Ironhide in Transformers 3 (I’m still mad about that).

The best character in the movie is (once again) Wolverine. Iceman comes close, and Storm and Beast come in after that. But no matter how enjoyable they may be, it’s still not enough to completely save X-Men 3.

Pointless deaths, too many characters, and unfair screentime are the main flaws of the movie. But the effects are decent. The acting is still good, the action is fun, and the soundtrack is great. I did find enjoyment in this. I took it for what it was, and I think it’s alright. Could have been WAY better, but it could have been WAY worse as well. I wouldn’t mind watching it again, but I’m not so sure about owning it. It’s a mixed bag.

STORY: 3 / 5
ACTING: 4 / 5
EFFECTS: 4 / 5
ACTION: 4 / 5
TONE: 3 / 5

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