Sunday, March 8, 2015

Kingsman: The Secret Service movie review

The first thing I have to say is “Screw extreme winter weather for not letting me be able to see this movie earlier.” But It’s better late than never, everyone. And after seeing this, I can say that I’m glad I went to see it in theaters.

Kingsman: The Secret Service is about an organization of extremely proper and extremely British spies that carry out very classified missions to save the world. A kid named Eggsy, who is the son of one of the Kingsman, gets recruited into their training program to become one of them. A good portion of the film is the kid going through the training with other recruits to see which one of them makes it into the organization. While that’s going on, Samuel L. Jackson devises a really clever scheme to take over the world, which the Kingsman have to stop.

There’s a whole lot of really clever and really well thought out plot points in this movie. The training exercises, the storyline, the comedy, and everything else in this film is on point, perfectly executed, and flawless. It’s one great spy movie. I hope this is the basis of whatever future spy movies of this generation may come out, because it’s perfect.

Kingsman has all the old school, classic spy movie stuff in it. The neat gadgets, awesome villain, the classy good guys, the Britishness, and the overall style are all mixed in with elements that work with the current generation. I loved that the film was self-aware, too. It knows it’s a spy movie, it makes references to other spy movies, and it pokes fun at what would happen if it was one of those films. The filmmakers accomplish this seamlessly.

The biggest thing I have to congratulate is the camera work. In the action scenes, there’s a LOT of shaky-cam. But would you believe that the shaky-cam in Kingsman ins the the best shaky-cam work you’ll ever see? You should! It doesn’t look like the cameraman is having a seizure. It follows the flow of the action so smoothly that you can see all the cool moves going on. That alone is worth the price of admission. The best part of the action is not the camera work, however (although it is a huge part of it). The real selling point is how it DOES NOT. HOLD. BACK. ANYTHING. When it goes down, it goes DOWN. The director took those scenes up and over the top, through the roof, completely all out, no restrictions, anything goes, it’s INSANE! Well executed insanity! I love it!

The other thing I absolutely adored was the characters. Colin Firth’s character was my favorite. He’s the prime example of a gentleman. He dresses all sharp and acts so proper, but he can kick the crap out of any and all jerks if the need arises. He also delivers the best line in the whole movie, which may also be one of the best lines of 2015 or for all of cinema.

My second favorite character was the girl with the prosthetic legs with blades in the feet (THAT’S classic James Bond stuff right there). Her fighting style was amazing, especially with the camera work. Samuel L. Jackson’s character was fun, too. He had a lisp, I guess for no other reason than for him to just have one. He’s one of the best parts of the entire film. All good spy movies need a great villain, and he delivers! I think it was either Samuel L. Jackson or Colin Firth that said that the old movies were only as good as their villain. That is true, I’ll say.

The others are freaking amazing, too. Merlin, Eggsy, Roxy, all of them! I just don’t want to give away anything. Go see this for yourself!

Kingsman: The Secret Service has everything that anyone could need in a movie like this. Classic spy movie elements, breathtaking all out action, comedy so well done it’ll make your sides hurt, and some kick-ass music. If you went to see 50 Shades of Grey instead this in its theatrical run, I have lost faith in you as a human being. I am happy to say that the first movie I saw in 2015 was worth the perfect score it so rightfully deserves.

STORY: 5 / 5
ACTING: 5 / 5
ACTION: 5 / 5
TONE: 5 / 5

I am pretty darn sure that this’ll be on my top 5 list of my favorite movies of 2015. No doubt in my mind.

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